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This Ninth National Conference which this year will be held virtually focuses on Saving Young Lives – Preventing Suicide in Children and Young People. By attending this one day conference you will hear from expert speakers on how your services can reduce preventable suicides and save young lives. Through national updates, case studies from multi-agency settings and lived experience insight, this conference aims to set the scene for progress already being made and what needs to change to improve resilience, wellbeing, mental health support and effectively prevent suicide in children and young people.
We want to provide young people with effective care as soon as they need it, not once they’ve already developed a serious illness which could have been prevented. That’s why we need to see government focus on prevention and reversing the rising rates of mental illness, as well as ensuring sufficient resourcing of specialist services.
Dr Lade Smith, President, Royal College of Psychiatrists, February 2024
This conference will cover ‘The Mental Health of Children and Young People in England 2023 report’ and will feature a speaker who worked on the final report. The conference will also use case studies to demonstrate interventions that work in health, schools, universities and multi-agency settings. The conference will examine adherence to Caldicott Principles of information sharing, as well as digital wellness and the potential impact of the Online Safety Bill.
“This report reflects what psychiatrists across the country have been seeing on the ground for several years now. An increasing number of children and young people are suffering with mental illness, and they urgently need more support if we are to put an end to this crisis. These developmental years are extremely important and can help our young people reach their potential and go on to live fulfilling and productive lives. It is vital that they are supported and enabled to make the most of the opportunities that are available to them.”
Dr Elaine Lockhart, Chair of the Royal College of Psychiatrists’ Child and Adolescent Faculty, November 2023
Benefits of attending. This conference will enable you to:
Network with colleagues who are working to improve services, practice and treatment to reduce preventable suicides and save young lives
Discuss the national data and evidence base currently on young suicides, and use this to direct and target service improvement and interventions
Reflect on the lived experience
Understand the impact of viewing online self-harm and suicide content has on individuals
Implement a preventative approach to treating young people in CAMHS services
Understand how you can work to increasing young people’s resilience & self-compassionImproving information sharing to prevent suicide in young people & children
Deliver effective multi- agency working to support “high risk” young people
Reflect on the relationship between suicide and self harm
Work in innovative ways with schools to improve support and wellbeing
Identify key strategies for improving access to services for high risk groups such as university students and LGBTQ+ young people
Developing your skills in supporting children and young people in crisis
Understand how we can better support bereaved relatives and families
Improve information sharing to support suicide prevention in young people
Self assess and reflect on your own practice
Supports CPD professional development and acts as revalidation evidence. This course provides 5hrs training for CPD subject to peer group approval for revalidation