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Reducing and improving the use of Restrictive Interventions & Practice: Managing Acute Disturbance, Violence and Aggression

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Today's chair: Eric Baskind Visiting Research Fellow 
Oxford Brookes University

Violence Reduction and Physical Interventions: Policies, Techniques and Controversies

This extended session will bring together the various policies, legal and practical implications in the prevention and management of violence and aggression and examine various restraint techniques addressing problems delegates are facing in practice. The session will also focus on developing a restrictive intervention reduction plan and the use of least restrictive options.

Reducing Restrictive Practice & Interventions: An Update from CQC

Guy Cross Regulatory Policy Officer Care Quality Commission (CQC)

• out of sight – who cares? Findings and progress since the 2022 Restraint, segregation and seclusion review
• recommendations for practice
• changing the culture
• the impact of understaffing on restrictive interventions
• moving forward

Medical considerations in reducing and managing challenging and violent behaviour

Dr Tony Bleetman
Consultant in Emergency Medicine
University of Warwick Medical School

This extended session will cover medical conditions that may present as challenging behaviour, vulnerable populations in care, biomechanical risk assessment of interventions, mechanical restraints, team interventions, evolving technologies and staff fitness to train and be trained.


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